Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Public Holiday - Hari Raya Aidiladha

Today I wake up very early to play my facebook games. Then as planned, Me, My sister and her sons went to mall to see the Megamind3D... I like the movies although it is not logic... for children...

The Synopsis of the movies:
Megamind is the most brilliant super villain the world has ever known. And the least successful. Over the years, he has tried to conquer Metro City in every imaginable way. Each attempt, a colossal failure thanks to the caped superhero known as "Metro Man," an invincible hero. Megamind decides that the only way out of his rut is to create a new hero opponent called "Tighten," Except Tighten doesn't just want to rule the world, he wants to destroy it.
 Megamind must decide: can he defeat his own diabolical creation? Can the world's smartest man make the smart decision for once? Can the evil genius become the unlikely hero of his own story? 

Taken from:

Watching movies is not my hobby... but once in a while going to the cinema make me feel fresh, alert and happy... This is few photo that I took while in the mall, Gadong. When I arrived, many of the shops still closed...

Early morning... the mall is quiet since not many people going there.. May be people are still sleeping or busy with some family gathering and religious activity going on here... 

After the movies finished, we went to the McDonald and take away the food. This is the photo taken in McDonald, Gadong...


dea said...

seru juga ya

Pinklady said...

hai dea... makasih ya atas komen nya...

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