Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nearly fall into Internet Scam by the name Michael Handerson

I am nearly scam last night.. I had been in contact with this guy for at least a month.. claimed himself from.. UK (born there and brought up there).. native of American, 186 cm tall and wife and daughter had passed away due to an car accident. I know him from the Social network Facebook and he create the Fake profile.. He claimed himself CEO and into the Real estate Businesses.. 

Initially he is sending his business registration as Foreign investor.. to confirm and make me believed him.. and sending me the online ticket by using the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and the transit country is bit weird.. and landed in Malaysia. His flight is actual yesterday (28 July 2011) from Kuala Lumpur to Brunei.. He phoned me initially and said he had reached Malaysia safely... and will proceed to the custom check in...

Then he called me up in 40 minutes later saying that, his passport and all documents had been detained by the Custom security because he did not declared the currency he brought in which is about USD 500,000 because the money is for buying house, properties in Brunei and for marry me in Brunei. Seven minutes later, 1 guy contacted me (named: Mahmud) spoke Bahasa Malaysia language and claimed that he is the Security Custom from Kuala Lumpur international airport and said Michael Handerson had been detained from checking the flight because bringing such big amount into Asian country. He ensured that he will trying to negotiate with their higher authority regarding this cases and all of his money is had been put under the security purposes and even them and Michael is not allowed to get that money UNLESS he pay them the Tax charges which is USD 2,000.. he claimed to have USD 500 in the pocket and he contacted his mother and she will be sending another USD 500 to him. And he left another USD 1,000 which need to be settled and asked helped from me. He even cry and sound so panicking... I sense something was not right there and I am checking the net immediately for the  number hp.. Why Official business.. that Mahmud call me using Handphone.. +60146610547 and Michael: +60168747574  ... I found one of the number is Scammer number which had been used to cheat one of the Lady in Indonesia...  Which means that they are not from UK  and they are scammer from Malaysia... and from their languange, I am sure they are ' black' people from African country...  i guess is Nigeria...

Check your facebook contact and ignored this person...  I believed he register many Mail account just to trap ladies/ woman out there:


Luckily, I am safe from this and I do not send any money as requested by them... This  is the FAKE  DETAIL, they simple used other people pictures...

This is the document he sent to me for convinced me he is really into the real estate... and said the Court had approved him to do the Foreign investment
I am taken appropriate action to report this internet crime... and for people out there.. always be careful, never give out your credit card details and be wise... When you fall in love, please do  use your brain to think also.. not only your heart and feelings..

Hati-hati begaol di dunia maya by el Sufiyanti

Dibawah ini pengalaman singkat saya, yg mudah2an bisa di sharing dgn teman2. awalny byk hal aneh dari orang ini, tp saya sengaja ngelayanin karena ingin tau maksudny apa karena terus terang saya bukan orang baru yg kenal dgn internet, dan ternyata perkiraan saya benar.

Beberapa waktu yg lalu, ada sebuah email yg masuk k inbox saya dari seorang lelaki yg mengaku bernama Harry anderson dr UK bekerja sebagai teknisi pesawat di British Airlines. dia bilang tau email saya dari salah satu situs perkenalan, dan kyk biasa cowo2 awal2 mengungkapkan ketertarikanny kepada saya.bukan el namanya klo nggk bisa ngikutin ni orang maksudny kemana, ya lu jual gw beli hehehe… ;)

4 kali email ngalur ngidul soal perkenalan, tertarik dgn saya, ingin mencari istri orang indonesia, bla bla bla bla…meyakinkan saya kalau hub yg akan dia jalani adalah nyata… (orang bodoh aja ngerti kali, rayuan kyk begini) sampai pada satu email yg dia berniat ingin menemui saya. dia bilang ingin membangun keluarga dgn saya, mebuat investasi dan usaha. dia bilang dia punya banyak uang yg dia ingin share dgn saya. sampai akhirnya dia nunjukin bookingan tiket pesawat KLM dr UK to Kuala lumpur. kok KL ? knapa nggk Indonesia ? waktu saya tanya dia bilang, dia nggk dapet tiket k INA. nah yg bego tu orang, dia pikir dia bicara dgn cewe Bego, yg nggak ngerti internet. then saya cb masuk k web KLM untuk mencek Booking no dia. memang benar ada, tp bookingan itu bisa di dapat oleh siapa saja yg belum membayar. klo di kita seperti reservasi d Lion air, dimana tiket ditebus dalam waktu 2 jam melalui ATM.

Saya masih ikuti permainan ini cowo, saya bilang take care honey, safe flight bla bla bla…. btw dia pernah minta nomer telp saya, tp nggk pernah dia telp malah minta saya yg nelp dia… hihihihih cape deeeeeh

Sampai dengan hari ini, saya nerima email dr dia yg katanya sih udah nyampe Kuala lumpur. saya copas aja ya… biar jelas :

Darling finally I can get access to internet cyber café here at the airport, Sorry for this sudden message, I have a problem right now which needs to be settle without any delay, I got stopped by the Malaysia custom authority and they requested for me to declare my luggage for checking on our arrival transit here in Malaysia and I did as they requested, after some period of time I saw some security men surrounding me and it came to my notice that the custom officer on duty has scan my luggage and found out that I was carrying huge amount of cash, right now the Malaysia custom has requested that I must procure a clearance certificate because according to them am not suppose to carry allot of cash while making a long trip. I have pleaded as much as I can for them to release my things to me so I could continue my journey to my final destination but they still insisted that I must behind, actually I feel so depress about everything that has happen today but what can I say, I have to take all this as my faith, words can’t express my situation at the moment, but surely I know I will get out from this problem soon, am sacred about what will be the penalty if this matter is been disclose to the public, just to let you know that I will be in more problem if the UK government get to know about this matter because they will be against me for carrying out such amount of money out from UK to invest in your country.

According to the security officer, if this matter doesn’t resolved soon I will be taking to court to face the penalty of carrying huge amount of money out from another country without UK knowledge, the fact is that the court will penalize me for money laundry and then I will get punishment for carrying huge amount of money with me, the officers said they are not satisfy that am bringing the money for investment even though I have tried to prove to them that am bringing the money for investment, they are suspecting that am bringing the money for sponsoring of terrorism around the Asia community, they went further by telling me that allot of people was caught recently on the act of terrorism so that is why the authority is really monitoring seriously on foreigners.

Darling my worst fears is that if the UK government found out that I carry such money out from UK to invest in another country, believe me my government is very strict, and if they notice this matter I will face allot of problem in UK, and the consequences will be that I will lose all my asset in UK, I will be bared from any kind of job in UK which means they will stop me from doing any job until 8 years, the penalty is very worst in UK so that is why am more scared about the publication of this matter, I just hope I can handle this matter alone but right at this moment am losing my patient, the only thing that makes me stronger now is you. I don’t want this matter to get worst than this, am trying to control the situation and I hope this will end soon.

Darling the authority has gave me the option of paying for clearance charges of 4500 USD or I will face the consequences of going to the court, for me I prefer to pay for the charges instead of this matter dragging me to court which might result to many issues ahead, do you understand? Just to let you know that the money is allot and I wouldn’t like us to lose it because I have budgeted the money for the establishment of our future and securing the future of our family, so we really need to get the money out from the authority if not we will lose allot and further more I will routine in jail for money laundry.

Darling right now am only having about 1000 USD in my wallet which they didn’t took from me, the rest money is inside the luggage and they couldn’t give me access to the luggage until I settle the clearance charges they requested from me, like I told you I have 1000USD and I have try to ask call my mom for assistance and she promise to send me the last money in her account which she is suppose to use for her hospital treatment, she only promise to send me 1500 USD and I was able to contact my friend for help as well and he promise to send me 1500 USD, so I hopefully I already can get 4000USD and am still left with the balance of 1000 USD. Right now I don’t have any other idea how to get the remaining balance of 500 USD by tomorrow so I can complete the total amount they requested from me for the clearance charges before my luggage can be release, darling I would like to ask for your assistance at this point, I feel ashamed asking help from you but I don’t have any option now because of the current situation, just to avoid delay I would ask you to assist me to send 500 USD so I can complete the total amount to enable me settle the matter by tomorrow, for sure I will definitely pay you back soon as I arrive Indonesia by tomorrow if everything get settle. I know how you will feel about this but the truth is that I really need your help and the only thing that will solve this matter is paying for the clearance charges, please don’t misunderstand me ok.

Just incase your heart is willing to assist me then you can send me the money through western union so I can get the money earlier here, use below information in sending the money:



Darling you can check the attachment below so you can view the picture that was took by the officers during the time they were inspecting the money and my luggage, I hope to hear from you soon, I love you and I will always do. you can contact me with this number here in Malaysia because I just bought the number here at the airport +60169747574….

Regard, Harry Anderson.

Well, cerita ini cm untuk sharing aja, mudah2an temen2 nggk ada yg terjebak dgn hal ini, dn bisa bertindak “SMART” untuk ngadepin pertemanan d dunia maya, terutama untuk kaum perempuan yang emang lg “nyari jodoh” di dunia maya :D

Saya attached foto dia dan foto uang yang dia bilang, heheheheh ngunduh dari mana tu ni orang. curiganya sih dia emang orang Malaysia yang ngaku-ngaku. wakakakakak klo bener, ternyata ada juga orang Malaysia yg nyari duit dri orang Indonesia hihihihih *ups*

By: el Sufiyanti

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Touch of Romance (3)

A Touch of romance 2010 (3)

Taken from:

Water World

Water World
View more presentations from Nubia (Absent)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Previous Party and Function

June 2011, I guess the most busiest time and period of my life.. I am too busy with my work commitment.. meeting here and there... and lots of seminar, workshop, lectures  as well as Birthday party going on...

First, we celebrated Nurul Atiqah birthday in my house.. we welcome her to our family... This is her 5th Birthday...

Then, after her birthday.. We have Samuel Birthday.. We invite few people only and we had prayer prior to eat the food and we did prayed for the life of Samuel in the future...

After Samuel birthday.. I went to my best friend house and they had ordered life DJ for their beloved mother 60th birthday.... I knows them since my childhood... and they are just like my family..

Long weekend holiday

Today .. I am bored.. luckily my sister brought me to the Jerudong beach to have a walk... and brought along his both sons... I am in deep thinking mode.. although I am walking, i am thinking lots of things and problems arises from my mind... Relationship... financial.. family... future and lots more...

I think in order for me to cope with all of that is to make my life busy... and let my body tired and when i reach home, I will be exhausted and sleep till the next morning...


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Optical illusion

Taken from : Isc

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Majlis Ilmu

I was exhausted for the busy schedule in my workplace. Lot so of functions and seminar (workshop) coming up in the events. i was quite busy for meetings and i also have to attend the IPA courses for 3 days in this July.. Besides busy with other meetings, at the same time, I had to manage the patients and spend time with my patients...

Last Sunday, i attended the Symposium "Advance Nursing Practice" from 8.00 am to 2 pm... I was having the opportunity to visit some of the poster done by my colleagues especially the services of Psychiatry Services and also from other department. This is the photos i managed to snap from my mobile phone.


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