Thursday, April 30, 2009

Asthma Inhaler

Inhalers are the main treatment for asthma. There are many different types of inhaler, which can be confusing.

Preventer inhalers - usually contain a steroid drug
These are taken every day to prevent symptoms from developing. The drug commonly used in preventer inhalers is a steroid. There are various brands. Steroids work by reducing the inflammation in the airways. When the inflammation has gone, the airways are much less likely to become narrow and cause symptoms. (Inhalers that contain cromoglycate or nedocromil drugs are sometimes used as preventers. However, they do not usually work as well as steroids.)

Reliever inhalers - contain bronchodilator drugs
You can take a reliever inhaler 'as required' to ease symptoms when you are breathless or wheezy. The drug in a reliever inhaler relaxes the muscle in the airways. This opens the airways wider, and symptoms usually quickly ease. These drugs are called bronchodilators as they dilate (widen) the bronchi (airways). There are several different reliever drugs. For example, salbutamol and terbutaline. These come in various brands made by different companies. There are different inhaler devices that deliver the same reliever drug. However, reliever (bronchodilator) drugs tend to be put in blue or grey inhaler devices.


In Brunei... this is the inhaler that available in the Ministry of Health...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cinta Seorang Ibu

Alkisah di suatu desa ada seorang ibu yang sudah tua hidup berdua dengan anak satu-satunya.Suaminya sudah lama meninggal karena sakit. Sang Ibu sering sekali merasa sedih memikirkan anak satu-satunya . Adapun anaknya mempunyai tabiat yang sangat buruk, yaitu suka mencuri,berjudi,mengadu ayam, dan banyak lagi yang ,membuat si ibu sering menangis meratapi nasibnya yang malang. Namun begitupun ibu tua itu selalu berdoa kepada Tuhan, "Tuhan tolong Kau sadarkan anakku yang kusayangi, supaya ia tidak berbuat dosa lebih banyak lagi. Aku sudah tua dan aku ingin menyaksikan dia bertobat,sebelum Aku mati".

Namun semakin lama si Anak semakin larut dengan perbuatan jahatnya. Sudah sangat sering ia keluar masuk bui karena kejahatan yang dilakukannya. Suatu hari ia kembali mencuri di sebuah rumah penduduk desa. Namun malang nasibnya akhirnya ia tertangkap oleh penduduk yang kebetulan lewat. Kemudian dia dibawa ke hadapan Raja untuk diadili sesuai dengan kebiasaan di Kerajaan tersebut. Setelah ditimbang berdasarkan sudah seringnya ia mencuri, maka tanpa ampun lagi si Anak tersebut dijatuhi hukuman Pancung. Pengumuman hukuman itu disebarkan ke seluruh desa. Hukuman pancung akan dilakukan keesokan harinya didepan rakyat desa dan kerajaan tepat pada saat lonceng Gereja berdentang menandakan pukul enam pagi. Berita hukuman itu sampai juga ke telinga si Ibu. Dia menangis, meratapi Anak yang sangat dikasihinya. Sembari berlutut dia berdoa kepada Tuhan. "Tuhan, Ampunilah Anak Hamba.Biarlah HambaMu yang sudah tua renta ini yang menanggung dosa dan kesalahannya. Dengan tertatih-tatih dia mendatangi Raja dan memohon supaya anaknya dibebaskan, tapi keputusan sudah bulat, si Anak tetap harus menjalani hukuman. Dengan hati hancur si Ibu kembali ke rumah . Tidak berhenti dia berdoa supaya anaknya diampuni.Karena kelelahan dia tertidur dan bermimpi bertemu dengan Tuhan.

Keesokan harinya, ditempat yang sudah ditentukan ,rakyat berbondong-bondong untuk menyaksikan hukuman pancung tersebut. Sang Algojo sudah siap dengan Pancungnya, dan si Anak tadi sudah pasrah menantikan saat ajal menjemputnya. Terbayang di matanya wajah ibunya yang sudah tua, tanpa terasa dia menangis menyesali perbuatannya. Detik-detik yang dinantikan akhirnya tiba. Sampai waktu yang ditentukan, lonceng Gereja belum juga berdentang. Suasana mulai berisik. Sudah lima menit lewat dari waktunya. Akhirnya didatangi petugas yang membunyikan lonceng di Gereja. Dia Juga mengaku heran, karena sudah sedari tadi dia menarik lonceng tapi, suara dentangnya tidak ada.

Ketika mereka sedang terheran-heran, tiba-tiba dari tali yang di pegangnya mengalir darah. , darah tersebut datangnya dari atas,berasal dari tempat di mana Lonceng diikat. Dengan jantung berdebar-debar seluruh rakyat menantikan saat beberapa orang naik ke atas menyelidiki sumber darah itu. Tahukah Anda apa yang terjadi? Ternyata di dalam lonceng besar itu ditemui tubuh si Ibu tua dengan kepala hancur berlumuran darah. Dia memeluk Bandul di dalam lonceng yang mengakibatkan lonceng tidak berbunyi, sebagai gantinya kepalanya yang terbentur ke dinding lonceng

Seluruh orang yang menyaksikan kejadian itu tertunduk dan meneteskan air mata . Sementara si Anak meraung-raung memeluk tubuh ibunya yang sudah diturunkan.Dia menyesali dirinya yang selalu menyusahkan ibunya. Ternyata malam sebelumnya si ibu dengan susah payah memanjat ke Atas dan mengikat dirinya di lonceng tersebut serta memeluk besi di dalam lonceng,untuk menghindari hukuman pancung anaknya.

Demikianlah, sangat jelas kasih seorang ibu untuk anaknya, betapapun jahatnya si Anak. Marilah kita mengasihi orang tua kita masing-masing , selagi kita masih mampu karena mereka adalah sumber kasih Tuhan bagi kita di Dunia ini. Amin.

Kiriman: Katharina Sulamit

Selamat Hari Ibu akan tiba...

Di sini tidak lama lagi akan menyambut Hari Ibu.... Apakah hadiah terbaik buat ibuku??? Kegembiraan??? Sebuah Doa??? Sebuah kebahagiaan?? Ataupun Kebanggaan anaknya udah sukses!??? Kalau boleh.. aku ingin berikan semuanya padanya...

Hari ini surfing dapat puisi ini.... membuat hatiku teringatkan kembali kasih mama kepadaku...

Oleh: Yamin Setiawan

Betapa susah payah engkau melahirkanku
Betapa sengsara engkau membesarkanku
Betapa repotnya engkau mendidikku
Begitu besar kasih sayangmu

Engkau selalu peduli diwaktuku sakit
Engkau selalu hadir diwaktuku susah
Engkau selalu menghibur diwaktuku sedih
Engkau selalu menopang diwaktu aku membutuhkan
Engkaulah segala-galanya bagiku

Kumenyesal telah membuatmu sedih
Kumenyesal pernah tidak menurutimu
Kumenyesal pernah membentakmu
Betapa durhakanya diriku

Hatiku terenyuh waktu kau berkata: "Terima kasih, Tuhan memberkatimu anakku" waktu kuberi uang jajan
Hatiku hancur waktu kau berkata: "Maaf telah merepotkan kalian" waktu aku merawatmu ketika kau sakit
Mama.. semuanya itu tiada artinya dibandingkan kasihmu padaku
Mama.. aku sangat menyayangimu dan sangat mencintaimu

Satu pintaku padamu
Berilah kekuatan, kesehatan dan kebahagiaan yang berlimpah buat mamaku
Buatlah kasihku yang tak habisnya buat mamaku
Semoga aku dapat memberi kebahagian seumur hidupnya

PS Anne- Arap KeNuan Aja

She called PsAnne.. I just know her recently.. she is Iban but speak good Murut and also Malay. I like this Iban song although I can't understand the song fully...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rainbow After Rain

Author: Charlene R. Lagyap

It gives me sigh of fear
When the dusk comes near;
Darkness seem to follow,
All of my good plans for tomorrow.

But when the dawn greets me,
With easterly breeze and morning dew,
I throw my doubts away,
And face the day with a glow.

Never confine myself
To my new morning's promise;
There might be some storm
To wipe away my morning breeze.

When it does, I brace myself,I
look beyond and keep abreast,I
pray and keep my fingers crossed,
God will help me survive the blows.

As I see life in me,
I always joyfully thank thee.
Indeed, no life's in vain,
You see, there's always rainbow after rain.

Kehidupan Seekor Helang

Helang merupakan jenis unggas yang mempunyai umur paling panjang didunia. Umurnya dapat mencapai 70 tahun. Tetapi untuk mencapai umur sepanjang itu seekor helang harus membuat suatu keputusan yang sangat berat pada umurnya yang ke 40.

Ketika helang berumur 40 tahun, kukunya mulai menua, paruhnya menjadi panjang dan membengkok hingga hampir menyentuh dadanya. Sayapnya menjadi sangat berat kerana bulunya telah tumbuh lebat dan tebal, sehingga sangat menyulitkan waktu terbang.
Pada saat itu, helang hanya mempunyai dua pilihan:
-Menunggu kematian, atau
-Mengalami suatu proses transformasi yang sangat menyakitkan --- suatu proses transformasi yang panjang selama 150 hari.

Untuk melakukan transformasi itu, helang harus berusaha keras terbang keatas puncak gunung untuk kemudian membuat sarang ditepi jurang , berhenti dan tinggal disana selama proses transformasi berlangsung.

Pertama-tama, helang harus mematukkan paruhnya pada batu karang sampai paruh tersebut terlepas dari mulutnya, kemudian berdiam beberapa lama menunggu tumbuhnya paruh baru. Dengan paruh yang baru tumbuh itu, ia harus mencabut satu persatu kuku-kukunya dan ketika kuku yang baru sudah tumbuh, ia akan mencabut bulu badannya satu demi satu. Suatu proses yang panjang dan menyakitkan.

Lima bulan kemudian, bulu-bulu helang yang baru sudah tumbuh. Helang mulai dapat terbang kembali. Dengan paruh dan kuku baru, helang tersebut mulai menjalani 30 tahun kehidupan barunya dengan penuh bertenaga!

Dalam kehidupan kita ini, kadang kita juga harus melakukan suatu keputusan yang sangat berat untuk memulakan sesuatu proses pembaharuan. Kita harus berani dan mahu membuang semua kebiasaan lama yang konservatif, meskipun kebiasaan lama itu adalah sesuatu yang menyenangkan dan melenakan.

Kita harus rela untuk meninggalkan perilaku lama kita agar kita dapat mulai terbang lagi menggapai tujuan yang lebih baik di masa depan. Hanya bila kita bersedia melepaskan beban lama, membuka diri untuk belajar hal- hal yang baru, kita baru mempunyai kesempatan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan kita yang terpendam, mengasah keahlian baru dan menatap masa depan dengan penuh keyakinan.
Halangan terbesar untuk berubah terletak di dalam diri sendiri dan andalah sang penguasa atas diri anda.

Jangan biarkan masa lalu menumpulkan rasa dan melayukan semangat kita. Anda adalah helang-helang itu. Perubahan pasti terjadi. Maka itu, kita harus berubah!

Penulis: Tidak diketahui

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Life in Kampung Ayer

I went to kampung ayer again .. to visit my patient. The weather... hhmmm... is very hot... I visited the patient at 10 00 and back at 11 am. Along the way to my patient house, I saw 'makcik' or aunty... with her Indonesian maid clean the fish... which reflect true Bruneian cultures in that area. And I took few pictures...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Cleaning Campaign

Last Sunday... we were having small cleaning campaign because our Community Office will be move from the hospital based to the Community area in Kiarong. We have the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Centre already fully functioned. Then, Community Psychiatry and also Child & Adolescent Services will expand its services to meet the demand of the public.
Below are the pictures taken in Community Psychiatry in Kiarong... Renovate bungalow house..

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Life In Your Hands

I read through and search through the net.. I found this ...

If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn;
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy;
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty;

If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient;
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence;
If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate;
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice;
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith;
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself;
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world.

Author: Dorothy Law Holte

Health Gallery Brunei

Health Gallery of Brunei Darussalam had its launching Last year 2008. It is a project sponsored by Shell Company, I personally involve much in the Mental Health Section. Inside this Health Gallery... there are many sections, I could remember: Dental section, Tabacco, Occupational Health, Diet & Nutrition, Mental Health, Gynaecology (include all the Sexually Transmitted Disease,STD).
This is the pictures inside the Health Gallery in Health Promotion, Ministry of Health of Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Below are the Mental Health Section in which we explain about Mental Health and Mental Illness... and 2 computers screen attached to the wall. Inside the computer is the Questionnaires about the General Mental Health and the other one is the Mental Health of the Child. In the Mental Health section, almost all articles in the panel wall is written by Prof Dr Ramli Hassan, Head and Specialist in the Psychiatric Department in RIPAS Hospital.

In Mental Health Section, there are 2 relaxation chairs. If you sit on the chair, it is real relaxing because it is Massage chair, massage your body, from neck to the legs depending on the settings with soft music and aromatherapy smells. And the Environment... Front image is waterfall and behind is glass wall and flow of water with picture... like waterfall... with the help of LCD projector.
Below is the most difficult part... I am spending almost 1 week time looking and understanding the picture while searching in the net. I browse through and the brain is the most difficult section to understand. Because I am asked to search Picture to do a model later ... in which part of the brain affected when hit by: Schizophrenia, Depression and also Dementia. In searching this picture alone and reading enough to make me stress... in addition to it, the due date for this project is near... My stress level went down when I sent this picture to do the model... the consultant and the designer said the picture was clear and OK. Because previous pic that I sent is not clear and been rejected because they are having difficulty to understand the content due to unclear picture, difficult scientific term and unclear explanation from the text book... Finally, this is the outcome...

Tenom, Sabah

This video actually taken last year by my brother in Tenom, Sabah in Sarawak, Malaysia. I like this simple dance. The races is called 'Bangsa Tagel'... but their custom same as indegenous group call "Bangsa Murut" (in Brunei), Lun Bawang (Lawas, Sarawak) and Lun Dayeh (in Sabah). Bangsa Tagal is indegenous group in Sabah... although most of the Sabahan is Bangsa Kedazan...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Looking after Joshua N Thomas

Today... since morning till afternoon I am looking after my sister son.. they are active make me so tired... and bit stress up.. To made them tired i on my laptop and played songs... this is what I got...

Haze??? Not sure...

Yesterday morning, I went to work as usual... this is the unique weather in early morning around 6 30 am. Normally, 6:30 am the road is quite bright.. This pic taken in Sengkurong area... I am driving and this pic was taken by me while driving my car

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Health Promotion of Mental Health

I am tired recently... Besides busy giving health talk... I am also follow my senior ... matron to go wherever he go when there is lecture among the teachers at various school... Now, the programme finally slow down.... and I can be bit relax and can concentrate my work in the Community Nursing Psychiatry again.... and also to organise the Continous Nursing Education for nurses of Psychiatry in RIPAS Hospital.

During the health talk for teaachers, we did teach them the relaxation technique (either lying) or sitting.. This is few picture that I got...

Health Talk at Sayyidina Abu Bakar Secondary School

Yesterday... i was so busy and bit exhausted. In the morning, I gave health talk to Form 3 students at Sayyidina Abu Bakar Secondary School in Lambak. I am able to do the talked in relax ways and I spoke loud to avoid the students from sleeping... I am asking questions from time to time to make sure student listened to my talk... "Ways of overcome stress before examination." The school prepare 4 gifts to give away to the students who are brave enough to answer my question...

At the end of the session.. the teacher asked the students to arrange themselve in row.. and grab those male students who hide their hair using 'songkok'.. and then the teacher cut their hair short...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Early morning at work

Today... I will be giving health talk again in Lambak Secondary School. Target student are Form 3. When I wake up in the morning at 5 am, I feel bit weak and my mood is quite down... I, myself bit worry because if my mood is bit down ... how can i give talk and motivated the student when I am not motivated??? Then... I just do and prepare myself as usual... and go to my car.. because it's time to go to work. Early morning.. I listen to Amy Mastura song and that song really cheer my mood up and it is just like sort of 'adrenaline' injection to my vein... Along the way.. all my body senses alert and I sang along the way to the hospital . Now... I am ready (both mentally and psysically).... appear bit 'manic'.... I am not down anymore.... and I am cheerful now... This kind of mood is needed when I am having lecture...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Form 5 Sekolah menengah Umar Al-Khattab Lumapas

This morning, I am giving talk to Secondary School in Umar Al Khattab student in Lumapas. Today... the student is Form 5 student. I am bit relaxed in giving the talk may be because I am get used to that school environment. I am ready and prepared mentally and physically to this lecture. At the end of the session, after the question and answer session, one female student came to me and started to talk regarding her problems and start crying. After talked to her about 15 minute... I handled her to their counseling teacher at school. I am happy with this lecture, student listened to me and at the end of the session, at least one student came to me
personally for personal advice...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pantai Seri Kenangan

I went to Seri Kenangan Beach in Tutong ... before that.. going to drink and eat some food in the restaurant... Order Nescafe... and chicken rice... I am bored at home... then i went for some refreshing to avoid stress up with my work commitment...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Pantai Jerudong

Hari ini, aku berjalan ke Pantai Jerudong... sat down on the rock and observing people around me... This is few pic I got from there using my handphone...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Yamin N Nornadia

Actually i am looking for the pic of Yamin N wife... but now, i got it... Yamin wedding day same as fauzana.. So... I have to choose of going either one.... This is the picture taken by my collegue...

Health Promotion At Sekolah Menengah Sayyidina Al-Khattab, Lumapas

Today... I get myself ready... It's my turn and schedule to give the health talk to Form 3 students around 200 ++ .. I don't know the exact number... Again: I am going with Massalina and Rahman.....
Student asking questions... also handle by massalina...

Health Promotion in Brunei Darussalam

Hmmm... this few days or perhap weeks.. Me and my team busy with school talk... I am quite tired. I know my team members also feels the same way as I do. This health promotion started since March 09 and we schedule our team so that we don't get exhausted...
Below is the pictures taken in Sekolah Menengah Pg Jaya Negara Pg Haji Abu Bakar in Kuala Belait... We travel at 10 am from Hospital RIPAS and we return back to RIPAS again at 6 pm... When I reached home... I am totally exhausted... physically and mentally... is already night time... This is our matron (Black shirt) give talk in Kuala Belait...

Below are few pictures taken in Kuala Belait on 31st March 2009...

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